How to treat colds

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How to treat colds

Young Asian woman have a fever lying on sofa while her husband measuring temperature. Health problems, winter cold and flu concept. Close up Report from ufabet

In general patients, they usually recover from colds on their own due to the body’s immunity and adequate rest. The first step in treating colds is to observe for yourself whether the cold you have this time is a viral cold or a bacterial cold. Because there are different methods of treatment. Most people find that if they have a cold, the virus will usually go away on its own. Just get enough rest. In cases with severe symptoms Your doctor may consider prescribing cold medicine based on the cause and symptoms.

How to prevent colds

At present there is no vaccine to prevent common colds. There is only a vaccine that protects against common strains of influenza. Therefore, prevention of common colds is important:

  • Take care of your health and be strong. By exercising regularly Eat nutritious food from all 5 food groups and get enough rest.
  • Keep your body warm. Especially during periods of changing weather.
  • Drink at least 8-10 glasses of clean water per day.
  • Avoid showering or washing your hair with water that is too cold. Especially during the cold weather.
  • Wash your hands frequently, especially before eating and after using the bathroom.
  • During the flu outbreak You should avoid going into crowded places such as department stores, entertainment venues, etc. But if you can’t avoid it, You should wear a mask and wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
  • Keep your distance from the patient. But if it is necessary to take close care of the patient You should wear a mask and wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
  • Do not share items such as drinking glasses, plates, bowls, handkerchiefs, towels, telephones, and other appliances with patients. and should avoid direct contact with sick people

How to recognize each type of cold

Patients can notice if they have a cold from a viral or bacterial infection as follows.

  • Observe your own symptoms

Notice if it’s a viral cold or a bacterial cold. By observing the color of mucus and mucus. If you have a bacterial cold Mucus or mucus turns yellow or green. But if it is a cold caused by a virus Mucus is clear, so when mucus changes color from clear or white to yellow-green. Sometimes it is brown or has some blood in it. Most are bacterial colds that require the use of antibiotics to kill bacteria (Antibiotics).

  • Open your mouth and look into your throat.

Opening your mouth to look inside your throat can be done by using a flashlight to look at your throat in a mirror. By opening your mouth You have to open it so you can see the back of your neck. By opening your mouth as wide as possible Then inhale through the mouth. The tongue will lower and the uvula will lift up. Revealing the back of the neck No need to stick out your tongue or wiggle your tongue. If you find that your throat is red Tonsils that appear enlarged, red, swollen, or have pus may indicate a bacterial cold.